Trusted by Tier 1 organizations around the world, Futurex has spent the last 40+ years building a reputation for reliable, innovative data security solutions.
KMES Series 3
Throughout every facet of our company, we maintain a focus on providing exceptional customer service, best-in-class technology, and future-minded solutions, giving our customers everything they need to secure every aspect of their data systems.
- Robust technology for 24/7/365 operation in the most demanding environments
- Applications for EMV, P2PE, tokenization, remote key loading, PIN validation, and more
- Scalable and versatile to satisfy evolving business needs
- First-to-market remote configuration and management capabilities
- Recognized three years in a row for “overall encryption solution of the year”.
An HSM’s core functionality is centered around encryption: the process by which sensitive data is rendered indecipherable to all except authorized recipients. HSMs also offer a secure way to decrypt data to ensure message confidentiality and authenticity.
Hardware security modules generate and store the keys used for encrypted communication among devices within a Secure Cryptographic Device (SCD), which is a far more secure method than solely using software. When information is sent to the HSM via a trusted connection, the HSM allows for the quick and safe encryption or decryption of that information using the appropriate key.
Excrypt SSP Enterprise v.2
Protect your sensitive data and transactions with industry-leading security and speed.
• Meets or exceeds industry compliance standards
• Virtual HSMs allow for multiple independent data processing environments within a single platform
• Increases the overall speed and functionality of your HSM network
Vectera Plus
Protect your sensitive data and transactions with industry-leading security in the Vectera Plus general-purpose HSM.
• Meets or exceeds industry compliance standards
• Increases the overall speed and functionality of your HSM network
• Supports a variety of cryptographic functionality
Excrypt Plus
Industry-leading technology for financial and general-purpose transaction processing and data security.
• FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant and PCI HSM validated
• Standardize HSM infrastructure onto a single platform
• Scalable up to 20,000 transactions per second
• Process EMV, RSA, P2PE, tokenization and mobile transactions
Robustly secure, FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and PCI HSM-validated solutions for remote configuration and management of geographically separated device networks.
A centralized management server is a standards-compliant device that allows for a network of multiple cryptographic products, such as hardware security modules or key management servers, to be monitored, configured, and managed from one central location. Find out more about our centralized and remote access solutions below.
Excrypt Touch
Compliantly and securely load keys and perform device configuration from anywhere in the world.
• Easily manage your worldwide data encryption presence from a single location
• Capable of configuring multiple devices
• Eliminates the manual process of transferring key components
• Provides detailed audit records
• FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliance
Guardian Series 3
Empower your administrators with centralised management, redundancy, device status monitoring and more.
• Centralized management for Futurex devices
• Comprehensive load distribution and automated failover
• User defined grouping for devices and automated failover
• Intuitive visual and logical user interface
• Customized notifications, alerts and status reports
SKI Series 3
Manage, inject, and store your Point of Sale encryption keys with Futurex’s all-in-one security solution
• Advanced Hardware Features
• Ability to load multiple POS terminals directly from the SKI Series 3
• Meets or exceeds the major compliance standards for the key injection and storage of sensitive data, including PCI DSS and TR-39/Network Audits
• Robust Logical Security
• Support for All Major Transaction Device Makers
• Support for All Major Transaction Device Makers
In addition to throughput, organizations can choose from different redundancy options. Having a single HSM at one site offers no redundancy. With site redundancy, two HSMs are active at one site, which increases the dependability of the system. A step up from that is full redundancy. With four HSMs at two different sites, the system is completely protected against hardware failures and data loss due to a lack of backup.
High availability goes beyond redundancy and can only be achieved through eliminating single points of failure, having reliable crossover or failover points, and reacting to failures in real-time. Configure your infrastructure to be highly available by configuring & automating redundant cloud HSMs with SLA-backed uptime.
Organizations requiring self-management of encryption keys to protect their most sensitive data can use the Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) methodology to confidently manage their keys in VirtuCrypt financial cloud HSMs. The Excrypt Touch is Futurex’s FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and PCI HSM validated tablet that allows organizations to securely manage their own encryption keys from anywhere in the world. With the Excrypt Touch, administrators can securely establish a remote TLS connection with mutual authentication and compliantly load master keys to VirtuCrypt financial cloud HSMs’.
Transferring keys to VirtuCrypt financial cloud HSMs with the Excrypt Touch uses double encipherment for key components. Double encipherment adds additional security by requiring the components to be encrypted by two separate keys.
In order to further our knowledge of up-and-coming compliance standards for the industries we serve as well as show our commitment to meeting these mandates, Futurex is a member of the following standards committees:
Accredited Standards Committee X9
This standards committee is known for developing regulations for the financial services industry in order to strengthen the protection of sensitive financial data. Futurex holds a membership on this committee to represent our customers and partners’ needs and help to continually enhance the state of regulatory compliance within the industry.
PCI Security Standards Council
The PCI council is a global agency that develops and raises awareness for security standards, including the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) and PIN Transaction Security (PTS), for merchants, vendors, and security consulting companies. Futurex is a member of this council so that we are able to have a hand in the alleviation of data breaches and the prevention of fraudulent payments.
Conexxus is a member-driven, non-profit technology organization dedicated to developing and implementing standards, technologies, innovation, and advocacy for the retail industry, specifically focusing on the convenience store and petroleum market. Futurex holds a membership on this committee because Conexxus members collaborate on key industry challenges and innovations, both present and future.
Futurex Financial HSM Products
Futurex Quantum Solutions